Post-processing your photos. What happens after the photo shoot?




The photographer’s work doesn`t end once the photo session is over. We have long hours ahead, which we spend on selecting, editing and retouching your photos. First, your photos will be only preliminarily edited, so that you can make a selection of the photos you like the most. Once I know which pictures you wish to keep, the full editing and retouching process begins. It lasts up to a maximum of 2 weeks, when ready photos are delivered to you.

Each of the services I offer has a form of the package,  that consists of photographing time  and a certain amount of digital photos. At Fotokreativ, you don’t need to pay separately for photographing and extra for the photos. Unlike many other photographers, from whom customers buy ready-made prints, I provide my clients with digital files, from which they can make any number of prints they wish in the size of their choice. In other words, you don’t have to pay each time you want to use the file to make  another print. I believe, this is an excellent and fair thing offered to my clients.

When it comes to retouching photos, I try to make it as delicate as possible. Usually it is just about removing imperfections of the skin or … getting rid of raisins:)  Raisins are just a small bribe, that I use sometimes, mostly during my 1-year sessions. Children love them and they help me to keep my model in one place, especially those, who have already learned to walk.