Fotoworkshop i Sandnes

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On 22nd of April I have organized my first Street Photo Workshop in Norway.The weather was typically “norwegian”, but the participants didn`t mind searching around rainy Sandnes for great street frames. First we have discuss over a coffee 🙂 main strategies of street photographering, the meaning of the composition and colour  and other practical tips.  Anja, Marit, Geir , Magda, Ramona, Geir, Kjersti, Tonja and Agnieszka went into the sleepy, Sunday streets of Sandnes to give a fresh look to the places they know so well. Thank you to all of you and hope to see you in the future!Here it is a workshop participant`s gallery. Well done!

#fotografsandnes #fotokurs #gatafoto @streetphotography #Sandnes #fotoworkshop #fotografstavanger

Agnieszka Szaban
Agnieszka Szaban
Anja Smith
Anja Smith
Geir Ludvigsen
Kjersti Øen de Vries
Kjersti Øen de Vries
Kjersti Øen de Vries
Magda Kosowska
Marit Thomassen
Ramona Matuszczak
Tonja Hjøllo